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Email: xqluophys@gmail.com


罗晓清,男,19866月生,讲师,博士 (中国工程物理研究院),超快微纳技术与激光先进制造湖南省重点实验室骨干成员。目前主要研究方向:超导量子电路中光与物质相互作用的理论与实验研究;低维半导体纳米结构中的量子光学与非线性光学现象;计算电磁学;腔量子电动力学和光学天线技术等。承担电磁场理论、光电技术、光纤通信技术等本科与研究生课程的教学工作。主持省自然科学基金青年基金、省教育厅和校博士启动基金各1项,参与国家自然科学基金青年基金5项、面上项目1项和国家重大科学研究计划(973计划)1项。

(1) Yingying Han, Xiao-Qing Luo, Tie-Fu Li, and Wenxian Zhang. Analytical double- unitary-transformation approach for strongly and periodically driven three-level systems. Phys. Rev. A, 2020, 101, 022108. (IF=2.907, JCR Q1/中科院 2)

(2) Kui Wen, Xiao-Qing Luo#, Zhiyong Chen, Weihua, Zhu, Wei Guo, and Xinlin Wang, Enhanced Optical Transmission Assisted Near-Infrared Plasmonic Optical Filter via Hybrid Subwavelength Structures, Plasmonics, 2019, 14(6): 1649-1657. (IF=2.926, JCR Q2)

(3) Xiao-Qing Luo, Zeng-Zhao Li, Tie-Fu Li, Wei Xiong, J. Q. You, Tunable self-focusing and self-defocusing effects in a triple quantum dot via the tunne l-enhanced cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Optics Express, 2018, 26(25), 32585-32598. (IF=3.561, JCR Q1/中科院 2)

(4) Yingying Han*, Xiao-Qing Luo*, Tie-Fu Li, Shuai-Peng Wang, J. S. Tsai, F. Nori, Jian-Qiang You, Time-domain grating with a periodically driven qutrit, Physical. Review. Applied, 2019, 11(1), 014053. (IF=4.532, JCR Q1/中科院 2)

(5) Xiao-Qing Luo, Zeng-Zhao Li, Jun Jing, Tie-Fu Li, Wei Xiong, and Ting Yu. Spectral features of the tunneling-induced transparency and the Autler-Townes doublet and triplet in a triple quantum dot. Sci. Rep., 2018, 8, 3107. (IF=4.011, JCR Q1)

(6) Xiao-Qing Luo,Deng-Long Wang, Zhi-Qiang Zhang, Jian-Wen Ding, Wu-Ming Liu, Nonlinear optical behavior of a four-level quantum well with coupled relaxation of optical and longitudinal phonons, Physical. Review. A, 2011, 84(03): 033803. (IF=2.907, JCR Q1/中科院 2, Google Citation: 43)

(7) Deng-Ke Zhang, Xiao-Qing Luo, Yi-Pu Wang, Tie-Fu Li, Jian-Qiang You, Observation of the exceptional point in cavity magnon-polaritons, Nat. Commun, 2017, 8(1), 1368. (IF=12.124, JCR Q1/中科院 1, Google Citation: 81)

(8) Shan-He Su, Xiao-Qing Luo, Jin-Can Chen, Chang-Pu Sun, Angle-dependent quantum Otto heat engine based on coherent dipole-dipole coupling, Euro. Phys. Lett, 2016, 115:30002. (Google Citation: 12)

(9) Deng-Ke Zhang*, Xin-Ming Wang*, Tie-Fu Li, Xiao-Qing Luo, Wei-Dong Wu, Franco Nori, Jian-Qiang You, Cavity quantum electrodynamics with ferromagnetic magnons in a small yttrium-iron-garnet sphere, npj Quantum Information, 2015, 1: 15014. (IF=9.111, JCR Q1/中科院 1, Google Citation: 79)

(10) Qi-Chun Liu*, Tie-Fu Li*, Xiao-Qing Luo, Hu Zhao, Wei Xiong, Ying-Shan Zhang, Zhen Chen, Jian-She. Liu, Wei Chen, Franco Nori, Jaw-Shen Tsai, Jian-Qiang You, Method for identifying electromagnetically induced transparency in a tunable circuit quantum electrodynamics system, Phys. Rev. A, 2016, 93(05), 053838. (IF=2.907, JCR Q1/中科院 2, Google Citation: 29)

(11) Yi-Pu Wang*, Guo-Qiang Zhang*, Deng-Ke Zhang, Xiao-Qing Luo, Wei Xiong, Shuai-Peng Wang, Tie-Fu Li, Can-Ming Hu, and Jian-Qiang You, Magnon Kerr effect in a strongly coupled cavity-magnon system, Phys. Rev. B, 2016, 94(22):224410. (IF=3.736, JCR Q1/中科院 2, Google Citation:62)

* These authors contributed equally to this work.

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